Find Your Vocation. Commit to Community.

Explore Your Faith. Practice Civic Responsibility.


The Chattanooga Fellows Program is a nine-month experience that equips recent college graduates to faithfully find their vocation, commit to community, explore their faith, and practice civic responsibility.


"One of the most valuable elements of the Fellows was learning about the complexity of a city through the complexity of poverty in Chattanooga, which in turn helped me see the complexity of the Kingdom of God."

- Hunter Rasmussen, 2017 Chattanooga Fellows Alum


"I have been impressed with each of the Fellows mature, servant-oriented hearts and thought that any of them would have been a welcomed guest in our home for the year. INterestingly though, each year the particular Fellow we have hosted had a specific personality, history, or circumstance that made it clear they were handpicked for our family."

- Lisa Farmer, multiple year host family


"Getting to participate in the Fellows program had an impact on many levels that I am truly grateful for. It is amazing all I was able to learn and see through this experience." 

- Molly Robinson, 2014 Chattanooga Fellows Alum
