Commit to Community

"Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."

- I Thessalonians 2:8


Other Fellows

The Fellows Year is designed to foster deep relationships among those involved in the program. Through shared experiences, deep conversations, and intentional life-on-life connection Fellows will learn what it means to have meaningful, lasting community.


Host Family

Each Fellow is placed with a host family from churches in the Chattanooga area. These families graciously volunteer to share their homes and their lives with the Fellow for the entirety of the program. Although each hosting situation is different, Fellows are encouraged to set aside a specific time each week to eat a meal with their host family. Fellows certainly are encouraged to spend time with the family outside of this as well. Living with these families gives Fellows the unique opportunity to learn firsthand from these strong families who are serving the Lord not only in the community but also in their own households.


Community Dinner

The Fellows share a weekly community dinner together every Monday in the homes of families from participating churches. This is a wonderful opportunity to continually grow in fellowship with one another and with the larger community in Chattanooga.