I knew that post-grad life would be hard, but the Lord knew that I needed daily practice and repetition in learning to lean into his teachings, his care, his wisdom, and his guidance amidst the challenges…Fellows has offered me an intentional community to learn and grow alongside others in committing our hearts to the Lord daily.
Read MoreThe Chattanooga Fellows program has broadened my perspective, not just in my career, but in how I see the world and my place within it. While that place may not always be clear to me at the moment, nor will it always be a comfortable one for me, I know that God is designing a great, diverse road made with my traits in mind.
Read MoreReading Practicing the King’s Economy has helped me realize that work is not merely a way to survive, but a way to create with the Lord. I get to work with Jesus every day to bring about a better world for all those around me.
Read MoreIn a world that values productivity and constant activity, taking time to pause and rest feels counterintuitive. Yet, it’s in this space of rest that I’ve learned so much about what it means to follow Christ.
Read MoreEntering this year as a Fellow, I was faced with the truth that loneliness arises when we are not known. Since being in Chattanooga, I have experienced firsthand the joys, challenges, and rewards of fighting for covenant friendship and seeking to know others and be known.
Read MoreI now embrace the opportunity where the Lord has planted me, even if it is not where I expected to be. I once determined my worth based on success, however, God’s metric is not success but faithfulness.
Read MoreMuch discontentment in my life has come from wanting the “perfect space” now. Being in The Fellows Program has taught me so much about what it means to be faithful now with what we do see, while also waiting patiently for what we have yet to see.
Read More“We are in the process of learning where we fit in God’s grand narrative and how our specific gifts and stories can contribute to the seemingly sisyphean struggle of pushing back the darkness in our families, neighborhoods, and cities.”
Read MoreDuring his time on earth, I think Jesus showed us what it means to really look at others, to look at the world. He taught us a way of looking that sees past the first glance, that can be interrupted without becoming distracted, and that can look at the raw and rugged realities all around without ever losing hope.
Read MoreHow often am I the same as the Israelites? Wanting familiarity and safety instead of trusting what the Lord has for me. Yet, the Lord still loves the Israelites, even as they complain and disobey him. And he wants a relationship with them, just as he wants a relationship with me.
Read More[Trust] is a thing that is built over time through small gestures by showing up for others and being known as reliable. I think the same can be said for community…building true community is a process made of tiny moments and choices.
Read More“If we aren’t serving in our city, workplace, and church out of faith for His sake - then what are we doing it all for? I pray God would make our hearts more like Jesus’ because he was always seeking the glory of the Father, and never selfishly for himself.”
Read More“… those living in deep community with meaningful friendships did not view community as something to be found, but rather, something that must be created.”
Read More“As a single adult, I learned what it really means to be part of this family of faith through the church and larger community in Chattanooga, and also the blessing and dignity God gives us in participating in what He is up to in the world through each other.”
Read More“Work pleases God. Work can ‘make the city rejoice.’ Work can help us be fully human. The Fellows Program did its job.”
Read More“I learned that we should fall on our knees daily and praise a God who, without a doubt, deserves it.”
Read More“While I lived with the Livingston’s (my host family), I learned two things in particular: Commitment and Intentionality. It was beautiful to see a family that believed in community and looked to live it out in biblically faithful ways.”
Read More“The work of a janitor is no less important than that of a city mayor. I often depend on these truths when I feel like environmental work doesn’t matter if God is just going to renew it all anyway. He cares that we are mysteriously part of his work, he invites us into it.”
Read More“Because the Gospel narrative is grand enough for people of different worldviews than mine, I desire to approach my future clients with curiosity, acknowledging the dignity they have been given as Image-bearers of God.”
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